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Centrallix Documentation

1.3 Running Centrallix

Starting the Centrallix Server

If you installed using prebuilt packages, you can start Centrallix using the normal startup procedure:

# service centrallix start
    (on RedHat/Fedora/CentOS type systems)
# /etc/init.d/centrallix start
    (on other systems)
# chkconfig centrallix on
    (to make it start automatically when your system powers up)

If you are running a development or builder copy of Centrallix which is not designed for production use, you will want to firewall it so that untrusted clients cannot connect to it. Here is an example of doing that (see your distro's documentation on how to make the changes permanent):

# iptables -I INPUT -i ! lo -p tcp --dport 800 -j DROP

(note that as of release 0.9.0, the default Centrallix configuration file sets the option accept_localhost_only which disables connections from sources other than

Command-Line Options

If you are starting Centrallix by hand, by just typing 'centrallix' at the command line, here are some command line options that you can use:

-VPrint version number and copyright message and exit
-dBecome a daemon (fork into the background)
-qInitialize quietly without outputting any messages
-c {file}Specify a configuration filename other than the default (usually /etc/centrallix.conf)
-hPrint a help message

The test_obj Command-Line Centrallix Binary

Sometimes it can be useful to start Centrallix without its HTTP front end, and to be able to browse the ObjectSystem like you would at a normal command prompt. For this, you can use the test_obj program.

See test_obj Command-Line for more information.


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